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Turkey Safe Work Practices Manual

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JUNE 2013 APPENDIX E: MECHANICAL TURKEY LOADER ON-FARM CIRCLE CHECKLIST (to be completed prior to operating) Check type of turkey loader: Make/model: _________________________ "S" Slider model "T" Telescoping model "C" Caging model "2S" Two-storey model Check stabilizer jacks – welds to frame, lubrication, damage Check chain drives for wear Inspect apron and pre-loader for wear, damage and tension Inspect coopers' basket: ■ welds/stress cracks ■ elevation platforms ■ safety chains/clasps Examine frame for any stress cracks Check all hydraulic lines and fi ttings Check tow hitch (both ends as applicable) Check towing safety chains and clasps Check tires for wear Check all lights and wiring Confi rm integrity of loading boards ,hooks and eyes, pre-loader ramp If defects were indicated above, please note specifi cs. Also note any corrective action or repairs taken during operation: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Checked by: __________________________________ Date: ____________________ Satisfactory Defects Noted (specify below) 66

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