Guides & Toolkits

WSPS Workplace Violence and Harassment Toolbox

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6 300-AQ0-01-IGDO © 2019, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Incidents at Work 2 Developing Workplace Violence and Harassment Policies and Programs: A Toolbox Have you been hit, pushed, physically assaulted, or otherwise attacked while ■ Yes ■ No working at this organization? If you answered Yes: • Where did the incident occur? • Did you report the incident? ■ Yes ■ No • How did you report the incident? ■ Orally? ■ In Writing? • Who physically assaulted or otherwise attacked you? ■ client/customer ■ member of the public ■ co-worker ■ partner/ex-partner ■ manager/supervisor ■ other: Have you been sexually assaulted or been the target of a sexual incident while ■ Yes ■ No working at this organization? If you answered Yes: • Where did the incident occur? • Did you report the incident? ■ Yes ■ No • How did you report the incident? ■ Orally? ■ In Writing? • Who assaulted you? ■ client/customer ■ member of the public ■ co-worker ■ partner/ex-partner ■ manager/supervisor ■ other: Have you been threatened with physical harm (orally, in writing, or otherwise) while ■ Yes ■ No working at this organization? If you answered Yes: • Where did the threat occur? • Did you report the threat? ■ Yes ■ No • How did you report the threat? ■ Orally? ■ In Writing? • Who threatened you? ■ client/customer ■ member of the public ■ co-worker ■ partner/ex-partner ■ manager/supervisor ■ other: WSPS.CA

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