Guides & Toolkits

WSPS Workplace Violence and Harassment Toolbox

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8 300-AQ0-01-IGDO © 2019, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Workplace Incident Reporting and Follow-up Are you required to report threats and violence at your workplace? ■ Yes ■ No If yes, can you do so without fear of retaliation (revenge or punishment)? ■ Yes ■ No Is there a system for reporting threats and violence at your workplace? ■ Yes ■ No If yes, is it easy to understand and follow? ■ Yes ■ No Does your supervisor or manager investigate incidents promptly? ■ Yes ■ No Does your supervisor or manager take suitable corrective action promptly? ■ Yes ■ No Are police and emergency services called immediately when a criminal incident occurs? ■ Yes ■ No Are support programs in place to help you if you are directly or indirectly ■ Yes ■ No affected by workplace violence? Comments: Education and Training Do you know what workplace violence policies and programs exist in your workplace? ■ Yes ■ No Do you know how to report a threat or a violent incident, and to whom? ■ Yes ■ No Have you received training in recognizing, preventing, and dealing with ■ Yes ■ No workplace violence? Have you received training on the security devices available to you (such as ■ Yes ■ No surveillance equipment, silent or sounding alarms, panic buttons, personal alarms, telephones, cell phones, etc.)? Do you think you are prepared to handle a violent situation, a threat, or ■ Yes ■ No escalating behaviours exhibited by clients/customers while at work? Have you received training or information about domestic violence in the workplace? ■ Yes ■ No Here, employers may insert other questions about training in the workplace, such as how to call for help, how to de-escalate a situation, how information about a client's behaviour is communicated to workers, etc.). Comments: 4 Developing Workplace Violence and Harassment Policies and Programs: A Toolbox WSPS.CA

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