
Daily Chore - Handling Stress on the Farm

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5 CCHSA Safety Resource workload - too much to do in too little time weather - not doing what is needed financial pressures and uncertain incomes large debt loads livestock well-being erratic markets-unfair and unequal returns on the market increased government regulation and complicated paperwork long working hours disagreements with other family members in the farm operation uncertain crop yield and forage production machinery breakdowns handling dangerous goods lack of rest technology- frustrating when not working properly unreasonable personal pressure and or goals WHAT ARE STRESSORS? Stressors are those events or circumstances that cause people to become stressed. Stressors can be physical (e.g. pain, illness, or injury) or psychological (e.g. financial worry, time pressures, or family matters). Stressors and their severity vary among people. Common stressors on the farm long working hours disagreements with other family members in the farm operation uncertain crop yield and forage production machinery breakdowns handling dangerous goods lack of rest technology- frustrating when not working properly unreasonable personal pressure and or goals Canadian farmers listed the single biggest factors causing stress National Stress and Mental Survey of Canadian Farmers – CASA Stress can build over time 1. Stress can occur suddenly with no warning – hail destroys your quarter of lentils. 2. Stress can build rapidly over a short period of time - one thing after another goes in a day. For example, the cows are out, the ATV has a flat tire, can't find any fencing staples, cell phone keeps ringing… 3. Stress can snowball over weeks, months, and even years - poor cash flow, high debt, and personal worries escalate >>page 6/7<< >> feel free to make this look a little more visually appealing<< Identifying your stressors Farming involves many situations that cause stress. Common farm stressors are finances, weather, heavy work overloads, and conflict in relationships. 0 10 20 30 40 % of Respondents 1. Stress can occur suddenly with no warning – hail destroys your quarter of lentils. 2. Stress can build rapidly over a short period of time - one thing after another goes wrong in a day. For example, the cows are out, the ATV has a flat tire, can't find any fencing staples, cell phone keeps ringing… 3. Stress can snowball over weeks, months, and even years - poor cash flow, high debt, and personal worries escalate Canadian farmers listed the single biggest factors causing stress Stress can build over time

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