
Daily Chore - Handling Stress on the Farm

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11 CCHSA Safety Resource To get a good quality sleep Social Support Sometimes when we are stressed, our sleep can be compromised. Overthinking things can make it very difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. We have to remember that sleep is very important to help our body and mind cope with the symptoms of stress. Here are a few tips to you may find helpful to get a quality sleep: Get some exercise throughout the day but avoid too much exercise before bedtime. Avoid nicotine, caffeine and alcohol. Eat the big meal of your day earlier in the day and have a lighter supper that is higher in carbohydrates and lower in protein. Have a warm bath or shower an hour or so before bed and relax. Make sure the place where you are sleeping is dark. A small amount of light can prevent melatonin production, and that does not make for a good sleep. Make sure your room is nice and cool while you sleep – a slight drop in body temperature induces sleep. If you can't sleep, then it is best to get up as watching the clock, tossing and turning will only make you tense and more stressed. Try relaxing in a comfortable chair reading a book, watching television, or play solitaire and before you know it you'll be dozing off. By resting in a comfortable place you are lowering your anxiety about sleeping and this will help make it easier for you to fall asleep. Our ability to cope with stress can also depend on our social support we receive from others. Social support is connected with reduction of stress, decreased risk of depression, better health, and faster recovery from illness. Support your family, business partners and community Learn to negotiate and address the problem– create interaction rules and develop agreed-upon methods for handling problems. It is OK to have a difference of opinion but take the time to find a compromise. Show confidence in your family, business partners and community skills and decisions. Provide encouragement and concern for your family, business partners, and community. Ask what can be done to help the situation. A simple solution may be the answer. Have realistic expectations of your family, business partners, and community. Spend time together to relax, laugh and celebrate. Family strength is important in the prevention of overwhelming stress but is extremely important in coping with overwhelming stress. Laughter is critical to relaxation and wellbeing; it's FREE, low calorie, and available without a prescription. Did you know that when you laugh: Laugh, it makes you feel good! 17 muscles in your face relax blood circulation is improved respiration is increased muscles in your abdomen are massaged the brain's natural painkillers are stimulated through the release of endorphins " HE WHO LAUGHS........LASTS. " MARK TWAIN

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