
Daily Chore - Handling Stress on the Farm

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9 CCHSA Safety Resource 1. Keep things in perspective. Ask yourself, • Has this happened before? • What else can I do? • What did I learn last time this happened? • What do I tell a friend in this situation? • What is the worst possible outcome? • A year from now, how important will this be? • Are my fears realistic? 2. Use positive self-talk – let go of the blame and guilt. • I did the best that I could at the time. • This is a learning experience. • I will succeed. • Calm down. • There is no place to go but up. • Things take time. • Someday we'll laugh about this. 3. Keep a positive attitude • You are more likely to find a way out. It is easier to live and work with others. 4. Develop a stress-resistant personality. • Set realistic goals and expectations. • Look for possibilities and get creative. • Build a time for leisure activities. • Connect with a positive social network that is supportive. • Exercise regularly. • Share responsibilities and ask for help. • Put problems in perspective and look at them as challenges. 5. Talk to someone you trust to help you clear your head and focus on eliminating or reducing stress and anxiety - fami- ly, friends or a clergy member. Consider seeking out a professional counselor or confidential phone line programs to help if you feel completely alone, overwhelmed or hopeless. There is never any shame in asking for help to help sort the wheat from the chaff in your life. Changing stressful thoughts to positive thoughts Cognitive-behavioural restructuring reduces stressful thoughts by restructuring them to be more realistic and unthreatening. Below is a coping technique that guides you through altering your stressful thoughts.

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