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Mental Health in the Workplace Poster

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There is NO Health without MENTAL HEALTH respect & ci vility The information contained in this reference material was produced by Durable Goods Production Advisory Committee and is distributed as a guide only. It is current to the best of our knowledge as at the revision date. No guarantee is made by WSPS as to the absolute correctness and WSPS assumes no responsibility in connection therewith. Workplaces must play a positive role in enhancing mental health respect & ci vility LEADERSHIP Employee Hea lth Promotio n Social Support ce ce lace rkpla Workp mo modation mo mm accomm e e Workplace e Commitment Commitm t ment C spect es Res vility civility c & c ships Relations WORK LIFE B ALAN CE W R A P Y O U R H EA D A R O U N D T H I S . ..   In any given year, 1 in 5 people in Canada experiences a mental health problem or illness, with a cost to the economy in excess of $50 billion   More than 30 % of disability claims and 70 % of disability costs can be attributed to mental health issues   Mental health is the #1 cause of disability claims in Canada   In any given week, more than 500,000 Canadians will not go to work due to mental illness OMPASSION COMPA WSPS.CA It's easy to recognize the hazards that cause a physical injury, but what about the injuries and illnesses that aren't so obvious? There is no single known cause for most mental health problems and illnesses. Social, economic, psychological, biological and genetic factors can all play an integral role. TALK ABOUT IT... TALK ABOUT IT... Address mental health issues at work Let people know that they're not alone Be familiar with the supports and resources offered by your organization WHAT CAN YOU DO? a dialogue – make it easy for people to talk about mental health issues START of the impact of the language being used in the workplace – calling people "crazy" or telling them to "suck it up" perpetuates the stigma BE AWARE ENGAGE workers to create a mentally healthy work environment Workplaces can play an essential part in maintaining positive mental health. Supervisors play an important role in creating an environment where people feel safe talking about mental health issues. Source: Mental Health Commission of Canada

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