Posters & Infographics

Working Alone Hazards Posters

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Equipment malfunction Health issues Slips, trips & falls Unknown substances Violence The information contained in this reference material was produced by Commercial Industrial Services Advisory Committee and is distributed as a guide only. It is current to the best of our knowledge as at the revision date. No guarantee is made by WSPS as to the absolute correctness and WSPS assumes no responsibility in connection therewith. WSPS.CA WORKING ALONE in Plain Sight Out of Sight Doesn't Mean Out of Mind Hazards of Working Alone in Plain Sight Working alone in plain sight doesn't mean you're invisible or alone. Providing security services, performing housekeeping tasks (particularly overnight), shipping and receiving, working in small retail establishments in a mall – all of these are examples of working alone in plain sight. Make your presence known. Have a plan – stay connected and never feel alone!   Assess hazards   Check in frequently at designated times   If you must deviate from your regular activities, let someone know   Know what to do in an emergency HAVE A PLAN

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