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Case Study - Pedestrian

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CASE STUDY – PEDESTRIAN 4 310-AXD-01-IGDO © 2020, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | The company experienced the following challenges; Initial buy-in from all parties. In hindsight, the company learned that employee consultation and having a planned roll-out of solutions would have led to faster uptake of new policies and procedures. Lack of budget to implement physical changes such as barriers. Change in work processes such as altered break times, traffic flow, and reorganization of area was disruptive and led to an initial decrease in productivity. 6. Transferability The company has decided this process is applicable to all areas of the warehouse. They plan on extending the program and process to the loading docks and areas surrounding the building. 7. Further information WSPS.CA

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