
Mental Health Brochure

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HEALTHY WORKPLACES A workplace should consider addressing these four key elements of an integrated and comprehensive approach. Additional courses offered by WSPS Title Description Delivery | Duration Developing Your Workplace Violence and Harassment Program in Ontario Learn how to comply with the requirements of Ontario's Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHS Act) regarding workplace violence and harassment. eCourse | 2 HOURS Workplace Violence and Harassment Awareness Gain awareness and insight about violence and harassment and its impact in the workplace. Free Resource. eCourse | 1 HOUR Impairment and Cannabis in the Workplace Understand the complexities of impairment in the workplace and learn how to enhance existing organizational impairment policies. eCourse | 1/2 HOUR Impairment in the Workplace: What Managers Need to Know Find out how to assess potential impairment in the workplace as it relates to workplace health and safety Public & On-Site | 1/2 DAY Occupational Health and Safety Ensuring physical and mental health and safety hazards are addressed. Health and Lifestyle Practices Supporting personal wellbeing and health-enhancing activities. Workplace Culture Focusing on values, beliefs, principles and norms in the workplace. Corporate Social Responsibility Being socially aware of community impact and environmental footprint.

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