
Food and Beverage Manufacturing Solutions Brochure

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WAREHOUSE & RACKING Certification Part Two: Warehousing & Distribution Deepen your knowledge of how to recognize and control hazards in warehousing & distribution environments. Inspecting & Maintaining Steel Storage Racks* Reduce the risk of racking collapse. Learn how to properly inspect and maintain steel storage racks using the CSA A344-17 User Guide. * Co-Developed with: Our Expertise is Unmatched In addition to training, WSPS offers the following CONSULTING SOLUTIONS delivered exclusively by our trusted consultants and safety experts. Hazardous Energy Control Program Audits Traffic Management Assessments Machine Safeguarding Assessments Robotics Risk Assessments, Gap Analyses & Implementation Support Steel Storage Racks Awareness and Program Development Protect your employees and your bottom line. Contact WSPS today. WSPS.CA/FBM 1 877 494 WSPS (9777)

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