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Awareness Basic knowledge of health and safety requirements and Occupational Health and Safety System ADVANCED 9 Topics INTERMEDIATE 17 Topics FOUNDATION 10 Topics 1 2 3 Excellence Accredited and recognized health and safety management system V A L I D A T I O N Health and safety services Financial and non-financial rewards The Health and Safety Excellence program is a WSIB Performance-Based incentive program integrating the strengths of the previous WSIB Small Business, Safety Groups and Workwell programs. Participants can earn both financial and non-financial incentives while creating safer workplaces. BUILD A SAFER WORKPLACE AND EARN WSIB REBATES WSPS can help. As a WSIB approved provider, WSPS can help you successfully implement your chosen health and safety topics. We provide you with everything you need to work through the Excellence program. Access to WSPS' team of leading health and safety experts A dedicated Excellence Guide to direct you through the program Assistance navigating the WSIB online platform Province-wide support and capabilities Onsite visit prior to evidence submission to WSIB Exclusive access to WSPS health and safety resources Build your health and safety knowledge The program has three levels: Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced. There are 36 topics spread across the three levels. Each topic helps a company to build a health and safety management system. It includes the detail, standards, equipment and procedures required to complete the topic and improve this particular area of health and safety. How the Excellence program works 1. ATTEND AN INFO SESSION Understand the program and business case for health and safety 2. JOIN Choose an approved provider, complete an assessment and select 1-5 topics to work on for the year 3. DEVELOP Learn and implement health and safety topic(s) with the support of WSPS 4. DEMONSTRATE Submit evidence of implementation for review by a WSIB validator 5. ACHIEVE Receive rebates and non-financial recognition (per 12 month enrollment)

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