
WSPS 2017 Annual Report

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WHERE WE LIVE IS WORTH INVESTING IN. Using paper manufactured by Rolland Inc. is a simple, concrete and effective way of conveying our concerns for the environment. This annual report is printed on Rolland Enviro Satin text and Rolland Enviro cover – both are Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Ecologo certified along with being Processed Chlorine Free (PCF). The paper is made in Canada from 100% post-consumer waste fibre (PCW) recovered entirely from paper used by North American consumers through municipal and/or office recycling programs. The mill uses biogas energy as an alternative renewable energy source for 93% of its thermal energy needs in its paper manufacturing. By using biogas energy Rolland Inc. has reduced their carbon dioxide emissions by 70,000 tonnes annually. Added to this the mill recycles water to reduce energy costs and purifies the water before returning it to its source. Also, the mill does not accept fibre harvested from high conservation-value old growth forests. For more information, please visit: 9 TREES 34,143 L of water 98 days of water consumption 419 KG of waste 9 waste containers 1,375 KG CO 2 9,199 km driven 8 GJ 37,943 60W light bulbs for one hour 2 KG NO X emissions of one truck during 5 days Environmental Impact Statements are generated by: The fine paper's environmental savings related to greenhouse gas impacts are based on the Life Cycle Assessment methodology. The LCA was made by Rolland Inc. and validated by a third-party. Environmental impact estimates are made using the Environmental Paper Network Paper Calculator Version 3.2. For more information, please visit: Please recycle after reading. VISION 2020 Every worker. Healthy and safe. Every day. The path forward begins with our 2018-2020 strategy. Join us on the journey.

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