
WSPS 2016 Annual Report

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Encouraging those on farms to STOP • THINK • ACT our ÒIn collaboration with the Esso commercial fuel resellers of Imperial Oil, WSPS and its network of rural volunteers are helping farmers, agriculture workers and farm families keep safe through a program called Stop Think Act (STA). As a component of Imperial's own well-established safety program, STA recognizes that behavioural safety is key to creating a safety culture. It is a simple, yet powerful behaviour-based safety program that encourages people to consider the task at hand and ask themselves how their own actions could contribute to a safe and productive outcome. Using a self-questioning methodology, the program advises people to think carefully about how they are about to perform a task and stop if it can't be done safely. WSPS rural volunteers are being trained as Stop Think Act ambassadors on an ongoing basis, in partnership with Imperial. In the six months since the initial training, the Stop Think Act message has been shared with almost 4,000 farmers, and plans are in place to reach another 5,000 in 2017. "I am a farmer myself, with a family I want to keep safe," says Anne Anger, Chair of the WSPS Rural Volunteer Agriculture Group and Stop Think Act Ambassador. "In my family, it started around the dinner table, talking about the program. It materialized into proof a few weeks later, when my 17-year-old son —a future farmer—told me he thought about our conversation and made a different, safer choice. Wow!" 82016 | 2017 Annual Report  Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Volunteers

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