
WSPS 2016 Annual Report

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LEADING THE WAY EMPOWERING NEW CANADIANS ÒThrough the Health and Safety Awareness Presentation (HSAP), WSPS volunteers are giving newcomers to Canada the knowledge they need to stay safe on the job. Formerly known as the Young Worker Awareness Program, HSAP was co-developed by WSPS legacy association IAPA back in 1996 and was initially targeted to high school students. Since 2008, WSPS has been steadily expanding the program to serve new immigrants and other vulnerable workers, such as seniors. Free of charge, the one-hour sessions are delivered by trained WSPS volunteers in classrooms and community centres across the province. Half of new immigrants to Canada choose to make their home in Ontario. Language barriers, fear of speaking up and lack of awareness of rights combine to place this vulnerable group at risk. The aim of the HSAP curriculum is to make health and safety simple while ensuring participants are made aware of their rights and responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). "The presentation provided by the WSPS representative was extremely informative and engaging," says Trevor Langille, Employment Counsellor at IESD Durham Social Services. "Sharing stories about real-life events made the experience fun, but also sobering." CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF SAFETY IN ONTARIO | 1917-2017 WSPS.CA/AnnualReport 9 ÒWith the help of volunteers, WSPS is piloting a new service to ensure small business customers get the assistance they need. The Small Business Advisory Service pairs volunteers who have professional health and safety credentials with small business owners (fewer than 20 employees) that are ready to start a health and safety program. The initiative is part of WSPS' action plan in support of the MOL's small business prevention priority. The new service enables small business employers to access complimentary professional assistance such as how to perform a workplace inspection and develop an action plan for improvement. The volunteers can use their involvement to gain points for their Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP) designation. At London's Harvest Bible Chapel, Operations Manager Jonathon Sodeman is very appreciative of the support provided by volunteer Brian Gallacher. "We don't have extensive knowledge of workplace health and safety law or policy," Sodeman says, "but Brian guided us through what we needed to do to create a safe work environment. He conducted an audit, made recommendations, and we couldn't be happier with what he and WSPS have been doing for us." The advisory service pilot continues in 2017, with an initial goal of 10 volunteer-business owner matches. Health & Safety Assistance for Small Businesses Harvest Bible Chapel's Jonathon Sodeman (L) and WSPS Volunteer Brian Gallacher

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