
WSPS 2016 Annual Report

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our People 1 "The Facts,", April 20, 2017 ÒIn any given year, one in five people in Canada experiences a mental health problem or illness, with a cost to the economy of well over $50 billion. 1 Recognizing the scope of impact to Ontarians, WSPS selected workplace mental health as an ongoing area of focus in 2016. To deliver on the strategy, an Organizational Health Action Team consisting of four staff members with expertise in this specialized field was established. In addition to leading Mental Health First Aid training courses, the team developed course content for a series of workshops in partnership with Ontario Public Health Units and is facilitating 78 sessions across the province. The goal of Investing in Healthy Minds @ Work is to engage business leaders from almost 400 workplaces with practical knowledge that will enable them to create feasible psychological health and safety action plans that are consistent with the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (CSA Z1003). The project was made possible through a grant from the Ontario Ministry of Labour's (MOL) Occupational Health and Safety Prevention and Innovation Program. Teaming up for healthy minds 42016 | 2017 Annual Report  Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Janet Carr, Danielle Stewart, Andrew Harkness, Krista Schmid, WSPS

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