
WSPS 2016 Annual Report

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ÒIn November 2016, the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) approved its new rate framework. For over three years, WSPS' advisory committees have been participating in the consultation process on the framework modernization project, providing critical feedback from the agriculture, manufacturing and service sectors. "The WSPS Executive Advisory Committee and the subsector advisory committees have played an integral role in the development of the WSIB's new rate framework by sharing industry concerns, seeking clarification and greater understanding, as well as providing well thought out positions and alternatives for consideration," says Jean-Serge Bidal, Executive Director, WSIB. More than 100 Ontario businesses are represented on WSPS' 10 advisory committees. Committee members are industry leaders who mobilize their expertise and sector-specific knowledge in helping WSPS achieve its mission and vision. They bring insight to selected projects, in tandem with WSPS and its board of directors, and other ministries and prevention partners. Leaders Protecting life through information sharing Advisory Committees instrumental in rate framework modernization ÒFrank Saunders, Bruce Power's Vice President of Nuclear Oversight and Regulatory Affairs, is serious about the role leadership plays in keeping people safe. "Without leadership in health and safety, you're just trusting luck, essentially," he says. Saunders epitomizes the kind of senior leader that WSPS looks to partner with. A member of the CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network, he also lends his expertise to the Ontario Prevention Council, the Conference Board of Canada's Health 62016 | 2017 Annual Report  Workplace Safety & Prevention Services

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