
WSPS 2016 Annual Report

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and Safety Leadership Centre, and the Minerva Board of Directors. Additionally, he is a supporter of Bruce Power's many community initiatives that raise health and safety awareness for First Nations groups, students looking to enter the workforce, and others. "We're part of the community and we really want to be a positive influence," Saunders says. "We want to demonstrate that people can work and not get hurt." Promoting the transfer of safety-related information through the CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network and other channels is key for Saunders. "A big company like ours, we have a lot of information we can share that others maybe don't have," he adds. "We shouldn't all have to have a major accident in order to learn how not to have it again. You can never be good enough in health and safety— there is always something more to learn." PROVIDING HEALTH & SAFETY THOUGHT LEADERSHIP ÒThere is a growing body of evidence to show how the human brain functions can have a significant impact on decision-making and judgment, and can play a role in workplace incidents. The discussion and debate on this topic that took place at the October 2016 CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network roundtable was the focus of a recent white paper, initiated by WSPS. "I am very interested in the concept of Brain-centric Reliability ™ , " says network member Adel Mir, President of Lincoln Electric Company of Canada. "This opened my eyes to the dangers of repetitive jobs." The CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network is an ever-expanding group of senior industry leaders, representing top tier organizations. Members are committed to learning and sharing experiences, and using their influence to spread the health and safety message across the province and country. Established through the efforts of WSPS in 2014, the group has tackled timely subjects such as on-the-job mindfulness, workplace mental health, and integrating health and safety into the board agenda. White papers offering insight on these topics are available at LEADING THE WAY An Executive White Paper by: The CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network Written by: Elizabeth Mills, President & CEO, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services and Heather West, Fresh Communications | September 2015 INTEGRATING HEALTH AND SAFETY INTO YOUR BOARD AGENDA A Critical Step In Creating A Culture of Health And Safety HARNESSING THE POWER OF MINDSET Exploring the Connection Between Mindfulness, Health and Safety, and Business Performance An Executive White Paper by: CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network Written by: Elizabeth Mills, President and CEO, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services and Heather West, Fresh Communications | April 2016 An Executive White Paper by: CEO Health + Safety Leadership Network Written by Workplace Safety & Prevention Services In Collaboration with Heather West, Fresh Communications and Susan L. Koen, Ph.D., DEKRA Insight | May 2017 Making the Connection The Link Between How Our Brain Functions and Health & Safety in the Workplace CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF SAFETY IN ONTARIO | 1917-2017 WSPS.CA/AnnualReport 7

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