
WSPS 2016 Annual Report

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Advancing the management of workplace risks Partners our ÒThe release of the co-branded CSA Z432-16, Safeguarding of Machinery course, in early 2017 represents the latest accomplishment in the ongoing collaboration between WSPS and strategic partner CSA Group. The two organizations established an agreement in 2004 and since then, they have developed six courses together and educated approximately 8,500 participants on high hazard topics. CSA Group is a global leader in the development of safety standards. Approximately 20 WSPS technical experts share their knowledge and expertise on CSA standards development committees on an ongoing basis. The mission of the WSPS and CSA Group collaboration is to increase awareness of the health and safety mandate, and reduce occupational injury and illness by jointly working on training, events and other projects. In addition to course development, WSPS and CSA Group continually look for other ways to work together and make a difference. Over the years, they have co-sponsored and organized seven conferences on topics such as Electrical Safety, Machine Safety and Warehouse Safety, and they regularily contribute to each other's annual conferences. 102016 | 2017 Annual Report  Workplace Safety & Prevention Services " CSA Group and WSPS share a mutual commitment to the prevention of workplace injuries, leveraging the talent and expertise of both organizations to achieve this important objective. " — Mary Cianchetti President, Standards, CSA Group

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