
WSPS 2016 Annual Report

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LEADING THE WAY * Read more on Bring Safety Home on page 15 and HSAP on page 9. Occupational Disease WSPS is joining its system partners in activities that build awareness of exposure to workplace hazards such as noise, allergens and irritants, and diesel exhaust. By leveraging multiple channels to spread messaging and promote access to tools, the goal is to assist workers and employers in recognizing the impact these hazards can have. New & Young Workers Alignment of prevention partner activities is the goal in this focus area. Along with supporting MOL enforcement blitzes, WSPS oversees other key initiatives for new and young workers, such as Bring Safety Home, an innovative web and social media platform targeted to parents of young workers, and the Health and Safety Awareness Presentation (HSAP).* Falls Falls remain a major cause of workplace fatalities and incidents. Work in this area focuses on research and evaluation of training, and the exploration of engineering solutions to fall protection issues. CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF SAFETY IN ONTARIO | 1917-2017 WSPS.CA/AnnualReport 13

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