
WSPS 2016 Annual Report

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The Warehouse Safety Experts ÒWarehouse and distribution centre safety was a 2016 focus area for WSPS. Leading this initiative was an experienced team of warehouse safety professionals and technical specialists. Providing insight on high hazard topics, they were featured in the "WSPS Warehouse Safety Tips" videos on In February 2017, WSPS' Warehouse Safety Conference offered attendees an opportunity to consult the experts on pedestrian safety, manual materials handling, racking systems and more. The sold-out conference also showcased a panel session with representatives from The Home Depot, Coca-Cola Refreshments Canada and Ingredion Canada Corporation. LEADING THE ÒAIM Environmental Group, Inc. said they wanted to be leaders in health and safety—not followers. Since 2012, WSPS and its partners at IHSA have been assisting AIM's subsidiary company, Wellington Organix, Inc., operators of the City of Guelph's Organic Waste Processing Facility, develop and implement its health and safety system. The culmination was achieving Certificate of Recognition (COR™) certification in 2014. WSPS is now assisting AIM Environmental Group in securing COR™ designation at other AIM-operated facilities. Helping employers recognize the advantages of a systematic approach to H&S is the first step. With the anticipated arrival of the new standard ISO 45001, Occupational health and safety management systems, the growing supply chain advantage of programs such as COR™, and criteria for accreditation of H&S management systems expected within the year, more companies are coming on board. In 2016, WSPS increased its focus on management systems, building capacity to assist these customers in realizing their goals. Guides on the Management Systems Journey CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF SAFETY IN ONTARIO | 1917-2017 WSPS.CA/AnnualReport 5 " The team from WSPS was instrumental in helping us develop a racking program that we are rolling out across Canada. " — Denesh Maharajh, Senior Manager, National Health & Safety/Maintenance, Home Depot Supply Chain Jennifer MacFarlane, WSPS with Mark Jared and Justin Barone, Wellington Organix, Inc.

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