
WSPS 2015 Annual Report

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WSPS 2015 AWARDS WSPS 2015 AWARDS CONTENTS 2 Message from the Chair and President & CEO 4 in tandem Success Stories 10 Health & Safety Performance 12 Strategy and Scorecard 15 Financial Statements Global Corporate Challenge Award Safety Group and WSIB Ontario: Outstanding Contribution as a Safety Group Sponsor Goodlife Fitness: Health and Wellness Leadership Award Interactive Media Awards (IMA): Best in Class WSPS Responsive Website Respect in the Workplace: Certified Employer Minerva Canada: Educational Award of Honour 2015/2016 Mercury Excellence Awards: WSPS 2014 Annual Report – Gold Award and Grand Winner – Best of Annual Reports Our ISO 9001:2008 certification sets us apart and signifies our commitment to quality across all our processes, from identifying customer needs to developing and delivering targeted solutions. Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 2014 Annual Report Annual Reports - Interior Design: Traditional Format

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