
WSPS 2015 Annual Report

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In tandem, we will continue to build cultures of health and safety across Ontario. 2015 ANNUAL REPORT  | Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 13 " activating KNOWLEDGE, sustaining LIFE is our mission. It demands that we are nimble and responsive; we seek new distribution channels and build new relationships. Thanks to the efforts of so many people working in tandem, we are absolutely confident in our ability to deliver on this mission." April 2015 - March 2016 Results (Unless otherwise indicated) LTI Rate declined by 5.8 % Total Injury Rate declined by 4.0 % (Results are for January - December 2015 as of March 2016) 4.56 4.42 4.50 4.77 Overall average rating on a 5-point scale Training Educational Sessions Consulting 72.2 % (% of sales from 2014 customers retained in 2015) 26,284 2,604 4,372 2,654 270,543 16,654 133 Total Active Customers Retained Customers (with sales) New Customers (with sales) Other Customers receiving no-fee services (without sales) Web Visitors Business locations potentially impacted through active Key Accounts Active Partnerships extending WSPS reach 3,368 1,332 Small Business Customers engaged Potential "Precarious Work" Customers engaged 202,770 38,344 34,163 1,484,968 Participant Hours of Training delivered Participant Hours of Educational Sessions delivered Consulting Hours provided to customers Information Products downloaded or distributed $ 10.6 Million (January - December 2015) Achieved Implemented plans to assess viability and effectiveness of key products and services Successfully passed recertification audit in September 2015 On track with implementation of Z1000 action plan Executed 368 606 Registered volunteers Total Planning and Delivery Events Optimized learning and engagement through job-related experiences, coaching and formal learning Completed engagement survey and established action plan Ahead of the Curve | WSPS.CA/AnnualReport

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