
WSPS 2015 Annual Report

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2015 ANNUAL REPORT  | Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 2 Chair of the Board As I reflect on the past year, I'm struck by the frequency and pace of change that our customers and Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) faced. Change is good—it drives creativity and innovation, but it can be challenging. I am proud of how skilfully we responded to these conditions and, despite the twists and turns, how we managed to help Ontario businesses get ahead of the curve. Among the activities WSPS undertook to achieve this was a value-for-money audit —a critical exercise to ensure we are meeting the needs of customers who are working hard to keep pace with change while trying to do more with less. The entire organization embraced the process, which will help us maximize the value of solutions and services we offer, enhance the health and safety performance of our 162,000 customers, and continue to invest resources where they are needed most. To this end, we continued to seek out new partners and collaborators in workplaces and communities across the province to help us extend our reach and influence. We also strengthened our alignment with prevention partners, including the Ministry of Labour, the Chief Prevention Office and other health and safety associations, with a focus on streamlining and simplifying the customer experience. We spent considerable time and energy on technology, and we will continue to do so to remain competitive and capable of supporting the evolving training and delivery needs of Ontario's multi-generational workforce. This is my final message as Chair of the WSPS Board. I sit on a number of Boards, and I can honestly say that this Board ranks right up there with the best of them. I feel honoured to have served with such a high-functioning, honest and dedicated group of Directors. I would like to acknowledge Vice Chair, Beth Potter, who is also leaving the Board, for her support and dedication. And I would like to thank WSPS President and CEO, Elizabeth Mills. I have come to know Elizabeth very well in my time as Chair, and I have seen, first-hand, her dedication to the organization and our mission. I would also like to thank the senior management team for their support of the Board, and the staff for their commitment and determination to deliver the best to customers every day, despite constant change and tight budgets. I don't know where we would be without them. I think we can all take pride in the improvement we've seen in health and safe- ty performance in our province. I believe with your support, we will continue to stay ahead of the curve, and we will, indeed, create a culture of health and safety in Ontario. Navigating change and staying Ahead of the Curve Normand Côté WSPS Board Chair Ahead of the Curve | WSPS.CA/AnnualReport

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