
WSPS 2015 Annual Report

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In its Community Impact Agenda, United Way London & Middlesex made a commitment to mobilize diverse people and resources through unique approaches and partnerships to address significant problems in their community: poverty, beginnings and transitions, and mental health. When they identified the opportunity to create a pilot program to engage other community partners and help businesses get ahead of the curve in creating psychologically healthy and safe workplaces, United Way London & Middlesex asked Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) to facilitate. Meeting the Standard, which started in October 2014, brought together 12 local businesses of various types and sizes, including United Way London & Middlesex. They met monthly to set goals and advance their work, listen to guest speakers, and exchange ideas and experiences. One year later, each participant left with an implementation plan based on the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (Standard), tailored to the specific needs of their organization. Christine Gouthro, Executive Administration and Human Resources with United Way London & Middlesex, thought the group's diversity contributed to the success of the pilot program. "We all had a vested interest in the topic and wanted to make a difference in our workplaces. It was good to have large organizations, not-for- profits, and smaller organizations sharing ideas. Strategies may not always work for every participant, depending on the size and capacity of their organization, but they could be adapted." The ripple effect of this pilot program is significant. It will help reduce stigma and discrimination, and increase understanding and response to the needs of individuals dealing with mental health issues among the nearly 20,000 employees who work for the participating organizations. Andrew Harkness, Strategic Advisor, Organizational Health Initiatives at WSPS, says the pilot program demonstrates that the Standard can be translated into meaningful action plans for businesses of all sizes. Gouthro agrees, "When you read the Standard, it is overwhelming, but it can be tailored accordingly. Each organization can implement it based on what works for them." Meeting the Standard. Beating the Stigma. community DIVERSITY SOLUTIONS 2015 ANNUAL REPORT  | Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 4 Christine Gouthro WITH Andrew Harkness (WSPS) Î Ahead of the Curve | WSPS.CA/AnnualReport

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