
WSPS 2015 Annual Report

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2015 UAL ANNU REPORT  | Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 10 Total Injury Rates for 2013-2015 1 Musculoskeletal Disorders: Still Serious 2 12 IN 2014 TO 10 IN 2015 Prevention efforts to reduce the risk of MSDs continued into 2015, with efforts such as workstation setups, ergonomic assessments, and replacement of equipment as required. Slight increase in Motor Vehicle Incidents 2 6 IN 2014 TO 7 IN 2015 A large number of WSPS employees drive cars for work. We aim to keep them safe with theoretical and practical training, administrative checks, and inspections. WSPS Health and Safety Performance Fewer Psychosocial/ Psychological Health Hazards Reported 2 7 IN 2014 TO 4 IN 2015 Our conversations on mental health continued in 2015 with the use of materials from Partners for Mental Health; we also increased staff awareness of internal support mechanisms that will enable them to help each other out. 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2013 2014 2015 Total Injury Rate Customer Site Hazards: Doing Well 2 8 IN 2014 TO 1 IN 2015 We have introduced a new procedure for staff to help guide them through the expectations for site visits, which will lead to further training in 2016. The statistics on customer sites in the 2014 Annual Report has been revised to reflect actual current values. In Ontario, the TOP FOUR HAZARDS are motor vehicle incidents (MVIs), musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), slips, trips and falls, and contact with machinery. At WSPS, the top hazards are MVIs, MSDs, unknown client site hazards and psychosocial hazards. We believe that knowing the hazards in your workplace, and monitoring and managing them in alignment with the World Health Organization's Healthy Workplace Model, is essential to creating a culture of health and safety. DEFINITIONS INJURY TYPES Lost time injury (LTI) – worker loses time beyond the day of injury, WSIB provides compensation Fatality – sub-category of LTI, can be either "traumatic" or "disease" INJURY RATES Total Injury Rate = # of NLTIs (No Lost Time Injuries) + # of LTIs (Lost Time Injuries) per 100 FTEs Full-time Employees (FTEs) are estimated by WSIB for each firm, based on the payroll of the firm and the average hourly rate of workers receiving compensation in the rate group – 1 FTE = 2,000 hours worked Ahead of the Curve | WSPS.CA/AnnualReport 1 Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Detailed Account Rate Profiles for WSPS. 2 Source: Internal WSPS Incident Reports including hazard reports, close calls, first aid and reportable injuries.

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