
WSPS 2015 Annual Report

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Grow our ability to reach customers in tandem with others to build a healthy, safe and sustainable Ontario. This is the organizational goal that anchors our 2015/2016- 2017/2018 strategic plan. It acknowledges that we must work in tandem with vol- unteers, customers, prevention and research partners, community members and other stakeholders to transform health and safety in Ontario. Last year, we made great strides on this goal, thanks to the efforts of many people. WSPS volunteers ensure we are reaching those who are most vulnerable and that the health and safety needs of Ontario's agriculture, manufacturing and service sectors are reflected in strategies, policies and solutions. Last year, they took on new and deeper roles that helped us enrich existing relationships and foster new ones. Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Nokiiwin Tribal Council is a wonderful example of collaboration between prevention partners and First Nations communities, which will have a profound impact on workplaces, families and communities in northern Ontario. We had the opportunity to consult at all levels of government, including presenting to The Senate, on the topic of mental health. And we worked with the United Way London & Middlesex to deliver a pilot program that helped 12 workplaces of different types and sizes develop implementation plans for the new National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace. To collaborate with others, seize new opportunities and keep pace with our customers, WSPS must be nimble and focused. Our customers need us to respond with speed and agility and we felt that more than ever last year. It was challenging, but we improved our forecasting and we gained confidence in our ability to stay ahead of the curve. A great example is the extraordinary work of WSPS staff in meeting the new Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) Certification Training Program standards. Thanks to their diligence and commitment, we were the first organization to receive approval for both our Part One and Part Two training programs, and we are ready to help our customers meet the new standards. I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to the WSPS Board of Directors. We say good- bye to several members who were with WSPS through our amalgamation. They have seen the Board, and the organization, grow and mature as one. In particular, I would like to acknowledge outgoing Chair, Normand Côté. Normand brought a steady hand and patience to his role that was essential to our success. His engage- ment in the human side of our business and his guidance enabled WSPS to achieve much more than we ever anticipated. We are thankful for all of the support we receive and the many people who help us extend our reach. Working in tandem, we continue to demonstrate that, by creating a culture of health and safety, we are putting Ontario workplaces and communities ahead of the curve. 2015 ANNUAL REPORT  | Workplace Safety & Preve vention Services 3 Elizabeth Mills President & CEO President & CEO Working in tandem, we will stay Ahead of the Curve Ahead of the Curve | WSPS.CA/AnnualReport

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