
WSPS 2015 Annual Report

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diversity COMMUNITY SOLUTIONS In June 2015, the Nokiiwin Tribal Council, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS), Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW), and Infrastructure Health & Safety Association (IHSA) launched the G'min-oo-maa- doz-imin (We Are Living Well) Initiative to promote health and safety culture in alignment with First Nations cultural values. The Initiative, funded by the Ministry of Labour, has a steering committee comprised of partners and community representatives; educational events, including an Annual Aboriginal Health and Safety Conference; and a health and safety toolkit, which will reflect Seven Grandfather teachings and the Medicine Wheel. "Health and safety compliance and knowledge transfer is a strategic priority for our board of directors," says Audrey Gilbeau, Executive Director of Nokiiwin Tribal Council. However, she points out that it must start with the community. "We are driven by the community's needs and priorities, not the other way around. They self-determine the pace of change." Norm Jaehrling, CEO of Pic Mobert First Nation and a member of the steering committee, says his community was introduced to the importance of health and safety years ago through economic development. "We have the expertise and systems in place, and we need to bring them in-house. This isn't something other communities have necessarily thought of before, but just as we have a duty to protect economic, financial and political rights, we must protect the health and safety rights of our people." Joe Donio, President of Nokiiwin Tribal Council, agrees. He is working to create partnerships between the community and industry, and an important first step is asking the right questions. "Now we are asking employers about their health and safety track record." Gilbeau and Donio both believe community champions are the key to the Initiative's success. Donio explains, "Our young champions are embracing health and safety and see the importance to the community. No one ever spoke to them about health and safety before, and now they are leading discussions around prevention. They will create momentum, and that's where we'll see real change happen." Safe Workplaces. Safer Families. Safer Communities. 2015 ANNUAL REPORT  | Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 7 Í Audrey Gilbeau (L) WITH Lynn Brownell (WSPS VP, Strategy and Stakeholder Engagement) Ahead of the Curve | WSPS.CA/AnnualReport

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