
WSPS 2015 Annual Report

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When the WSPS Advisory Committees first came together in 2010, they weren't sure where they could deliver the greatest value. That didn't last long. With a slew of legislative changes and a challenging economy to contend with, their work was cut out for them, and it's been full steam ahead ever since. Over 100 individuals, representing 10 sub-sectors, volunteer on WSPS advisory committees. Richard Coleman, Chair of the WSPS Executive Advisory Committee and General Manager of Brookfield Global Integrated Solutions explains, "Now our meetings are chock-full and there often isn't enough time to get to everything. There is so much we want to do and influence." Tom Baker, Manager of Human Resources at Bayview Flowers, and a member of the WSPS Agriculture and Horticulture Advisory Committee agrees with Coleman. "We used to just identify issues. Now we translate concepts into specific tools and information that can be applied in the workplace." In 2015, Baker participated in the Ministry of Labour's risk assessment survey for greenhouses, an opportunity he knows came to him because of his involvement with the advisory committee. The survey provided a list of top hazards for green- houses and perceptions about those hazards, which will feed into a province-wide prevention strategy being developed, with advisory committee input, to address unique risks and challenges in the agriculture and horticulture sector. Last year, advisory committees undertook more than 25 different initiatives and consultation activities, including collaborating with various government ministries and research partners, as well as participating in WSIB's rate framework consultations, the Ministry of Labour's program review, and the WSPS value-for- money audit. They also developed a toolbox of new solutions specifically for small and medium-sized businesses. Coleman says representing the needs of small businesses is an area of focus for the committees. To support this, every committee member has made the commitment to reach out personally to at least one small business. "Large organizations have more resources available to help them navigate legislation and implementation. Now we are working to bring small businesses that need our support into the fold." Growing Influence. Taking Action. Making Connections. solutions DIVERSITY COMMUNITY 2015 ANNUAL REPORT  | Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 8 Richard Coleman WITH Elizabeth Mills (WSPS) Î Ahead of the Curve | WSPS.CA/AnnualReport

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