
WSPS 2014 Annual Report

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2014 annual report  |  Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 10 MsDs Mvi Psychosocial unknown Client site Hazards top risks at WsPs 1 DEFiNitioNs Lost time injury (LTI) – worker loses time beyond the day of injury, WSIB provides compensation Fatality – sub category of LTI, can be either "traumatic" or "disease" iNjury tyPEs total injury rates for 2012-2014 2 Musculoskeletal Disorders: still serious 3 No CHaNgE FroM 2013 – 2014 12 iNCiDENts rEPortED EaCH yEar after an office space redesign at corporate headquarters in 2014, 91 staff filled out a discomfort survey that led to over half—47 participating in a follow up ergonomic assessment. Fewer Motor vehicle incidents 3 9 iN 2013 to 6 iN 2014 a large number of wSpS employees drive cars for work. we aim to keep them safe with theoretical and practical training; administrative checks; and inspections. WsPs health and Safety performance Courageous Conversations on Psychosocial/Psychological Hazards 3 2 iN 2013 to7 iN 2014 Our efforts in eliminating the stigma around mental health in our workplace led to more people feeling comfortable in reporting incidents of psychosocial/ psychological hazards. Total Injury Rate = # of NLTIs (No Lost Time Injuries) + # of LTIs per 100 FTEs Full-time Employees (FTEs) are estimated by WSIB for each firm, based on the payroll of the firm and the average hourly rate of workers receiving compensation in the rate group – 1 FTE = 2,000 hours worked iNjury ratEs 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2012 2013 2014 Total Injury Rate Customer site Hazards: Doing Well 3 11 iN 2013 to 1 iN 2014 we are implementing improved prevention measures to maintain the safety of our staff serving at customer sites. lead by Example To ignite a stronger culture of health and safety in Ontario, the most powerful leadership tool we have at our disposal is our willingness to lead by example. For us, it begins right at the very top—with our own Board of Directors who track our health and safety performance, and drive the rest of the organization to deliver quarterly and annual results. The goal is always zero with persistent improvements. In the next three years, we will take our management system to full compliance with CSA Z1000-06, Occupational Health and Safety Management standards. 1 Source: This graph illustrates WSPS' top four hazards as identified through an internal risk assessment. Using a risk matrix tool, these hazards were categorized by determining the likelihood multiplied by severity of an event occurring. 2 Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Rate Group 875 (Professional Offices & Agencies) and Account Profiles for March 2013, March 2014, March 2015. 3 Source: Internal WSPS Incident Reports including hazard reports, close calls, first aid and reportable injuries. Psychosocial Work Environment

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