
WSPS 2014 Annual Report

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11 slips, trips and Falls MsDs Mvi Contact with Machinery top risks in WsPs industry sectors 4 Contact with Machinery 6 5 % oF all ltis arE attributED to tHis HazarD sHoWiNg a sligHt DECliNE 1,276 iN 2013 to 1,254 iN 2014 slips, trips and Falls 6 2 % oF all ltis arE attributED to tHis HazarD sHoWiNg a sligHt DECliNE 4,882 iN 2013 to 4,816 iN 2014 sector health and Safety performance Musculoskeletal Disorders: still serious 6 largEst sourCE oF ltis, but CoNtiNuiNg to DECliNE 8,398 iN 2013 to 7,697 iN 2014 Motor vehicle incidents 6 traumatic fatalities due to Mvis decreased in 2014 7 iN 2013 to 1 iN 2014 non-fatal ltis due to Mvis have increased 226 iN 2013 to 267 iN 2014 Do you Know your "top 4"? At WSPS, our top 4 hazards are: motor vehicle incidents, psychosocial, unknown client site hazards and musculoskeletal disorders. Taking action on these four hazards is an early proactive measure we can take in activating our health and safety culture. Early warning signs tell us to look more closely at the practices which have the potential of exposing our employees to unnecessary risks. WSPS is ready to assist all employers with their Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC) training and practices. Moving forward, all employers and JHSCs will work together to resolve more than their top 4 hazards, as these will be identified by the workplace parties and the Ministry of Labour (MOL) for each sub-sector. 2014 annual report  |  workplace Safety & prevention Services Comparison of total injury rates for WsPs sub-sectors 5 4 Source: Priority Hazards from WSIB EIW Detailed HSA Entity Report-WSPS, March 2015. 5 Source: WSIB EIW Detailed WSPS Sub-Sector Reports & Rate Group Profiles for March 2013, March 2014 and March 2015. 6 Source: WSIB EIW Detailed HSA Entity Report-WSPS for March 2014 and March 2015; WSIB EIW Custom Report (for MVI traumatic fatalities). World Health organization (WHo) Healthy Workplace Model Physical Work Environment Enterprise Community involvement Personal Health resources leadership Engagement Worker involvement Commercial Industrial Services Durable Goods Production Food, Pharma & Personal Products Retail, Wholesale & Oces Restaurants & Food Services Television, Film & Live Performance Tourism & Hospitality Vehicle & Industrial Equipment Mfg Vehicle Sales & Service Total Agriculture 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Total Injury Rate 2012 2013 2014

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