
WSPS 2014 Annual Report

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19 2014 annual report  |  Workplace Safety & Prevention Services The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. For the year ended December 31 2014 2013 Contributed surplus invested in Capital assets internally restricted for CHsi Capital Expenditures internally restricted for long term Plans unrestricted (Deficit) total (Note 2) Total Net assets, beginning of year as previously stated $ 48,776 $ 968,945 $ 1,422,253 $ 716,059 $ 3,750,000 $ 6,906,033 $ 5,868,583 Change in accounting policy (Note 2) — — — — (19,337,900) (19,337,900) (21,812,500) Prior period adjustment – Correction of Error (Note 2) — — — — 3,500,000 3,500,000 — Net assets (deficiency), beginning of year, as restated 48,776 968,945 1,422,253 716,059 (12,087,900) (8,931,867) (15,943,917) Excess of revenue over expenditures — (150,489) 118,389 — 2,542,446 2,510,346 5,972,250 Proceeds on disposal of capital assets — (2,705) — — 2,705 — — Transfer from internally restricted fund (Note 17) — — — (420,320) 420,320 — — Employee future benefits remeasurement (Note 14) — — — — 6,314,300 6,314,300 1,039,800 Net assets, end of year $ 48,776 $ 815,751 $ 1,540,642 $ 295,739 $ (2,808,129) $ (107,221) $ (8,931,867) Workplace safety & Prevention services Statement of Changes in Net Assets (Deficiency)

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