
WSPS 2014 Annual Report

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2014 annual report  |  Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 20 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. For the year ended December 31 2014 2013 (Note 2) Cash provided by (used in): operating activities Excess of revenue over expenditures $ 2,510,346 $ 5,972,250 Adjustment to reconcile excess of revenue over expenditures  to net cash provided by operating activities Amortization of deferred capital contributions (44,564) (63,411) Amortization of capital assets 197,758 198,327 Loss (gain) on disposition of capital assets (2,705) 8,790 Income from Centre for Health & Safety Innovation (118,389) (378,957) Employee future benefits expense (recovery) – MOL — (42,612) Employee future benefits expense (Note 14) 3,529,000 3,175,200 Employee future benefits paid (Note 14) (632,000) (570,000) Changes in non-cash working capital balances Accounts receivable 374,631 (545,669) Inventory 1,581 39,703 Prepaid expenses (372,800) (5,910) Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 708,686 (1,011,080) Customer deposits 41,722 (94,291) Vacation payable 11,711 (69,314) Rental incentive (3,712) (3,712) Attendance credits 9,693 (156,294) Exit benefits payable (38,488) (69,013) Deferred MOL revenue (417,000) (1,478,294) Deferred MOL surplus — (1,572,955) 5,755,470 3,332,758 investing activities Decrease in restricted cash 28,795 225,307 Increase in short term investments (16,154,900) (4,305,044) Increase in long term investments — (200,000) Proceeds on disposition of capital assets 2,705 21,250 (16,123,400) (4,258,487) Net change in cash and cash equivalents (10,367,930) (925,729) Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year 10,325,481 11,251,210 Cash and cash equivalents (bank indebtedness), end of year $ (42,449) $ 10,325,481 Workplace safety & Prevention services Statement of Cash Flows

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