
WSPS 2014 Annual Report

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2014 annual report  |  Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 6 diversity Strawberry Tyme Farms in Simcoe, Ontario supplies strawberries and other fresh produce to the Ontario Food Terminal, grocery stores, and local markets. It's a labour- intensive operation that requires a large number of workers to meet demand. That's why, for owners Gary, John and Diane Cooper, cultivating commitment to health and safety is critical to success. On average, they employ 150 to 200 workers each year. Some are local, but most are offshore workers from Jamaica. Each season kicks off with Farm Safety Night, where workers meet with the Coopers and WSPS representatives. They learn about farm rules, protective equipment, where to find first aid kits, eye wash stations, safety boards and their health and safety representative. WSPS staff members assist with training and, for Diane Cooper, provide assurance that she's covered all the bases. For the Coopers, farm rules are critical to preventing incidents. For workers, they impress the importance of keeping each other healthy and safe. Student workers sign agreements with their parents to confirm that they understand them. "Employees understand the rules are non-negotiable," says Diane Cooper. "For example, absolutely no one is allowed to operate a vehicle without approval. Only ten workers are authorized, and they have received tractor and forklift safety training." The rules may be firm, but health and safety is a two-way conversation. "Employees are starting to point things out and ask questions," says Cooper. "One gentleman had a mild allergic reaction to a bee sting, and he called us at home. We took him to the hospital and he was fine. It was good that he felt comfortable to call us." Workers feel valued, and they see the Coopers are committed to their overall wellness. Whether it's an eye doctor or dentist appointment or specialist visits for offshore diabetic workers, the Coopers respect their health issues and ensure they receive excellent care. It's not surprising that approximately 75% of their offshore workers and more than 90% of local employees return to Strawberry Tyme every year. Many have been with the farm for more than 20 years. Low incident rates and high worker retention are surely indicators of success, but for Cooper, the benefit to workers is just as important. "Many have never had health and safety training before. They learn a lot, and I hope they take it home with them." CoMMuNity SOlutiOnS pick of the crop for seasonal Workers in tandem

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