
WSPS 2014 Annual Report

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9 2014 annual report  |  Workplace Safety & Prevention Services solutions DivErsity cOMMunity Exel Logistics Canada operates the distribution centre and customized packaging business for Procter & Gamble (P&G) in Canada. They employ more than 350 people in their Brantford, Ontario facility. It is an operation and an industry in constant motion, so continuous observation and improvement are critical to keeping employees healthy and safe. This commitment starts at the top and flows through the organization. "The senior leaders at Exel and P&G are driven when it comes to maintaining a safe work environ- ment," says Compliance Manager Brad Novoselac. "While keeping people safe is the primary goal, running a safe business also gives you a competitive advantage—you have less down time, fewer repairs and lower costs." The team at Exel works closely with WSPS to ensure that employees are properly trained to work safely. In addition to WHMIS, racking safety, and Certification training, WSPS has developed customized solutions to help them meet their health and safety goals. Novoselac feels that Exel's safety practices are also critical to success. "Workers and supervisors are always observing one another and providing feedback. The focus is not on discipline, but on the growth of our safety culture." This happens on both an individual and an organizational level. When Novoselac and his team were conducting an internal audit a few years ago, they questioned how rack jams might be cleared. At the time, the honest answer was that employees were climbing racks and would often be required to go outside the cage to clear a jam or complete a repair. They knew this answer deserved a failing grade. This was certainly not unique; it was a common practice globally—one for which there didn't appear to be a solution. And, while they could have excused the failing grade based on the fact that there was no alternative, the team at Exel wasn't prepared to do so. They made the decision to stop clearing jams until they found a partner that could help them develop a safer solution. A partner stepped up and, using the Exel site for developing and testing, later launched a product which prevents unsafe climbing on rack structures. As a result of Exel's focus on continuous improvement, working at heights has become much safer in their own operation and in warehouse environments around the world. racking up Health and safety Knowledge and distributing it widely in tandem

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