
WSPS 2014 Annual Report

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3 2014 annual report  |  Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Elizabeth Mills president & ceO In the field, with continued focus on community, diversity and solutions, we reached a broader audience, introduced more solutions, and built new forums for collaboration. The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act is enabling us to extend our reach to individuals who may not have had access to health and safety support previously. And, with the launch of the ceO health + Safety leadership network, we are bringing CEOs, directors, operational and informal leaders together to foster health and safety transformation in Ontario and across Canada. We added resources, available at no additional cost, to our website. And thanks to our advisory committee volunteers, added a full suite of downloadable solutions for all employers in the province. These were important steps that set us up for success. However, perhaps most exciting, was the development of our 2015/2016 to 2017/2018 strategic plan. Developing the plan provided a platform for engaging in inspiring and sometimes challenging conversations. We came out of the process with a richer understanding of our customers and stakeholders and stronger alignment with our volunteers. In the case of our prevention partners, we managed to achieve alignment of goals, without compromising WSPS' unique value proposition. The outcome is a realistic and achievable, yet ambitious plan that will enable us to strike the appropriate balance between developing solutions and approaches that reflect the realities of our customers, and achieving the performance and outcome measures that the Ministry of Labour and Chief Prevention Office seek. activating knowledge, Sustaining life is more than the theme of this report. It is our new mission. It demands that we are nimble and responsive; we seek new distribution channels and build new relationships. Thanks to the efforts of so many people working in tandem, we are absolutely confident in our ability to deliver on this mission. Normand Côté wSpS Board chair

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