
WSPS 2013 Annual Report

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There is more than enough room for improvement to include everyone in our efforts – indeed our collective success will count on it. The proof is in the December 2013 launch of Ontario's first integrated prevention strategy. That strategy illustrates the critical pillars of success – leveraging diverse strengths and our communities working together to identify solutions. Working in tandem. WSPS customers, volunteers and employees participated in the consultation process for the strategy. In all, we made 24 recommendations, but one in particular stands out because it is so deeply ingrained in the mission, strategy and values of our organization. We firmly believe that employers, employees and community members must be leading partners in the development of solutions and policies that are designed to help you improve health and safety in your workplaces and communities. We recommended this to the ministry in our submission and we hold ourselves accountable for the same. Working in tandem. You must be able to absorb changes and new solutions in a sustainable way that reflects your diverse needs, perspectives, strengths and challenges. And you count on partners like WSPS to understand what makes you unique and to develop those solutions that will help you grow today and in the future while acknowledging your realities today. This has always been the driving force behind our work, particularly so over the past year. In 2013, our focus was outside, listening to the voices of our customers and the communities in which you operate to understand how we can work together to achieve these goals. We brought more people, with a variety of perspectives and skills together, forged new partnerships and were honoured to be invited to sit at new tables. We also challenged ourselves to rewire existing relationships. WSPS staff honed their ability to dig deeper and ask questions to gain an even stronger understanding of the challenges and opportunities that you face, and they continuously demonstrate the courage to let go of old constructs and engage in new ways to help you go further. As we head into our next three-year strategic planning process, we do so empowered and enriched by our conversations and our work with you. I thank our customers, volunteers, partners and communities across Ontario for your commitment to collaboration and your willingness to share your insights, experience, goals and aspirations with us. Together we will grow the life of your businesses and your communities. Working in tandem we will achieve so much more. Elizabeth Mills President & CEO Working in tandem we can achieve so much more 2013 annual report  |  Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 2 LEttEr froM CEo

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