
WSPS 2013 Annual Report

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At the first Board meeting I attended as Chair, I joined my board colleagues in a discussion about the skills and qualities we must possess to help WSPS and the 154,000 customers we serve to continue to grow, while navigat- ing the shifting landscape that is the Ontario health and safety system. It was clear to all that the status quo is not an option; we must evolve in tandem with WSPS and our custom- ers, and we must be a strategic business partner to the organization. Just as WSPS is finding new ways to engage customers and communities to understand your aspirations and goals, we must do the same. Like you, we are striving to raise the bar, but as the economy continues to limp along we are constantly challenged to figure out how to do more with less. Now, more than ever, the Board must be in- quisitive and creative and we must lean in and listen closely to ensure that we are attuned to your needs and that we are focusing the resources and energy of the organization on the right things. We have a responsibility to oversee the execution of WSPS' strategic plan and that includes managing risks – both those we choose to take on because they will allow us to achieve our goals under such constraints and those we must avoid in order to stay the course. We are working with the WSPS leadership team, prevention and industry partners, the research community and WSPS advisory committees and we're talking to WSPS customers to broaden our perspective. We are actively reaching out to enrich our conversations so that we can feel confident our decisions balance risk, strategy and opportunity and they reflect the realities of today's workplaces. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank our customers for your determination to create healthier and safer workplaces and your resilience in the face of a challenging economy and unrelenting change in health and safety legislation. I would also like to acknowledge WSPS staff and volunteers for their commitment to part- nering with you every step of the way and their tireless efforts to gather the insight and knowledge that enables us to adapt and grow so we can meet your needs today and in the future. The upcoming year is not without challenges, but with the ongoing support of all of our stakeholders, and that of the Board, and the dedication of the WSPS management team, we will continue to build a strong organization that is deeply connected to employers and employees and is poised to help Ontario business grow. Leaning in to understand your needs better Normand Côté WSPS Board Chair 3 2013 annual report  |  Workplace Safety & Prevention Services LEttEr froM CHAIr

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