
WSPS 2013 Annual Report

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Ontario is home to the largest Anabaptist (Old Order Amish, Old Order Mennonite and Orthodox Mennonite) population in Canada – a community that maintains its own religion, customs and lifestyle. Their traditional farm- ing methods, which rely heavily on horses and buggies, pose unique risks, in addition to the hazards they share with modern farming operations. The Anabaptist Farm Safety Committee, which also includes representatives from the Ontario Provincial Police, Wa- terloo Regional Police, Public Health and the Ministry of Transportation, recognized the need to increase safety awareness in their community. Through an introduction made by one of WSPS' rural volunteers, WSPS has become a regular participant over the past year. In listening to one another and taking the time to real- ly understand issues from all angles, the committee has been successful in developing solutions that are having an impact in both communities. For example, they have agreed upon standardization of reflective tape, lighting and slow moving vehicle signs and are distributing a Bug- gy and Roadway Safety Handbook to Anabaptist commu- nities across the province. The committee also recently introduced a set of teach- ing tools that have been well received in the Anabaptist community. Anabaptist children need to learn early on about safe prac- tices to prevent injuries and fatalities because they begin participating in chores and farm work at a very early age. There was an opportunity to build this content into their curriculum at school. Using Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food funding to cover the costs, WSPS worked with the committee to develop a flip chart teaching aid to ac- company the Safe At Home colouring book that schools were already using to get kids talking about farm safety. The flip charts are currently being used in 28 schools, and 40 more have expressed interest. "This teaching tool is very well done, comprehensive and will be a helpful tool for our young teachers. The Old Order Mennonite Safety Committee lends our moral sup- port to this project and we are honoured to be recognized as part of it. We look forward to working with WSPS to add more topics when they are able," says Aaron Bowman, Secretary of the Anabaptist Farm Safety Committee. Anabaptists may maintain a separate culture and social norms but they are aware of our laws and are keenly in- terested in abiding by them, and, more importantly, they want to protect their family, friends and community mem- bers. The committee has been successful because they understand this and everyone comes to the table with a deep respect for one another and a mutual interest in creating healthier and safer communities. c o m m u n i t y s o l ut i o ns d i v e r si t y Communities working together to increase safety awareness on the farm 5 2013 annual report  |  Workplace Safety & Prevention Services

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