
WSPS 2012 Annual Report

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"We tether ourselves to certainty by partnering with our customers to achieve their goals and drive their success. We help them improve their employee engagement and customer satisfaction levels..." Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 2012 Annual Report 2 Navigating a perennially uncertain environment requires an organization to tether itself to certainty. Fortunately, there is plenty of it to be had. Certainty can be found in sustainable strategies. Organizations that ask themselves what they need to have in place to achieve a healthy and safe workplace often begin with "compliance," soon realizing, when performance fails to change, that reactive strategies and activity-based measures, like counting lost-time injuries, can actually cost them more. In time, it becomes apparent that a safety culture may require increased investment in their workers, not less, as well as a focus on risk management skills and on outcomes that have more to do with leadership and behaviours than numbers. At WSPS, we are engaged in a parallel process. We ask ourselves, what do we need to have in place to achieve our mandate? We could count the customers we connect with, but we know that won't take us where we need to go. Instead, we choose a sustainable strategy that involves thinking differently about the volunteers, partners and communities with whom we engage — thoughtfully and intentionally developing a relationship matrix that enables us to extend our reach to the 154,000 organizations we serve in Ontario. We also think differently about the nature of our relationship with Ontario employers, choosing to serve as a business partner who understands our customers' realities and risks, who brings strengths to the table that they don't currently possess, and who helps them access not just a service, product or training module, but a customized solution that we identify together, through collaboration and purposeful listening. We tether ourselves to certainty by partnering with our customers to achieve their goals and drive their success. We help them improve their employee engagement and customer satisfaction levels, and our solutions strengthen their bottom line, enhance their efficiency and reduce waste, secure their supply chain, qualify their business for vendor relations, and relieve their paper burden. Looking back, WSPS has 150 years of experience and positive relationships. Looking ahead, we will continue to take that value, that depth and bench strength, and, with our unique ability to be a leading business partner, work with customers to achieve sustainable results for this decade, this year, this conversation, this moment — helping you move forward on your safety culture and grow the life of your business. Tethering ourselves to certainty ELIZABETH MILLS, President & CEO, WSPS

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