
WSPS 2012 Annual Report

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Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 2012 Annual Report 32 December 31, 2012 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Notes to Financial Statements 14. Employee Future Benefits The Association provides extended health care, dental and life insurance benefits to all employees with the cost of these benefits recognized on an accrual basis under CICA section 3461. The accrued benefit obligation relating to post-retirement benefit plans as at December 31 is as follows: 2012 2011 Accrued benefit obligation, beginning of year $28,694,000 $ 18,443,100 Actuarial loss due to change in discount rate 5,160,900 1,722,800 Actuarial loss 3,412,100 6,895,600 Current service costs 1,273,400 871,600 Interest cost on obligation 1,565,100 1,195,900 40,105,500 29,129,000 Benefit payments (450,000) (435,000) Accrued benefit obligation, end of year 39,655,500 28,694,000 Funded status - plan deficit 39,655,500 28,694,000 Unamortized prior service costs (2,226,300) (2,459,500) Unamortized net actuarial losses (19,586,200) (12,078,900) Accrued benefit liability $ 17,843,000 $ 14,155,600 Benefit plan expense Current service cost $ 1,273,400 $ 871,600 Interest on accrued benefit obligation 1,565,100 1,195,900 Amortization of actuarial losses 1,065,700 236,300 Amortization of past service costs 233,200 256,500 Net benefit plan expense $ 4,137,400 $ 2,560,300 The significant actuarial assumptions adopted in measuring the Association's accrued benefit obligations are as follows: Discount rate 4.0% (2011 - 5.40%) Annual rates of increase: Supplementary hospital and prescription drugs 9.0% in 2013, decreasing by 0.50% per annum to 5.00% in 2021 Extended health care and dental care 4.0% (2011 - 4.0%) per annum 15. Contributed Surplus On January 1, 2001 the former FSA became self-administered and the value of assets previously recorded as expenditures and funded by the WSIB was recorded as contributed surplus.

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