
WSPS 2012 Annual Report

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Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 2012 Annual Report 33 December 31, 2012 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Notes to Financial Statements 16. Internally Restricted Fund for CHSI Capital Expenditures The Board approved setting up an internally restricted fund at December 31, 2012 for the Association's share of future capital expenditures relating to CHSI. The fund was designated based on a reserve fund study performed on CHSI in 2011. In the current year, the Association allocated $283,158 (2011 – $nil) to this fund and transferred $760,138 (2011 – $nil) from unrestricted surplus. These amounts represent the Association's share of CHSI's replacement reserve and unrestricted net assets. 17. Internally Restricted for Long Term Plans The Board approved setting up an internally restricted fund at December 31, 2012 to fund certain commitments and long term plans and activities. In the current year, the Association allocated $nil (2011 – $nil) to this fund and transferred $750,000 (2011 – $nil) from unrestricted surplus. 18. Unrestricted Net Assets Based on a directive from WSIB, there is a requirement to build up the unrestricted net assets to $3,750,000. Starting in 2010, a minimum of $250,000 of unrestricted excess of revenue over expenses is required for 15 years in order to achieve the directive. 19. Workplace Safety & Insurance Board / Ministry of Labour Funding 2012 2011 WSIB funding consists of the following: Approved funding allocation – operations $ 7,894,386 $ 31,936,022 Add: expenditures of deferred amounts from prior years 56,000 1,337,577 Less: approved amounts for future operation expenditures – (416,339) approved amounts for deferred surplus (Note 13) – (550,000) 7,950,386 32,307,260 MOL funding consists of the following: Approved funding allocation – operations 25,209,739 – Less: approved amounts for future operation expenditures (1,534,955) – 23,674,784 – $ 31,625,170 $ 32,307,260

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