
WSPS 2012 Annual Report

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Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 2012 Annual Report 34 December 31, 2012 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Notes to Financial Statements 20. Training and Publication Recoveries 2012 2011 Conferences $ 1,964,201 $ 2,1 24,1 52 Consulting 1,676,095 1 ,160,1 08 E-learning training 397,210 303,639 Training 4,303,804 4,588,406 Safety literature and information services (safety products) 947,643 1,330,1 1 9 Safety group 754,455 932,543 $ 10,043,408 $ 10,438,967 21. Commitments The Association has operating leases for various office premises with minimum annual payments as follows: Year Amount 2013 $ 1, 41 8,528 2014 1,444,734 2015 1,450,586 2016 1, 37 1 ,216 2017 1,3 61 ,262 Thereafter 4,486,258 $ 1 1,532,584 22. Pension Plan Employees belong to the WSIB Employee's Superannuation Plan, a defined contribution plan with employer contributions in the year amounting to $2,243,962 (2011 – $2,310,988) and are included in salaries and benefits.

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