
WSPS 2012 Annual Report

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MOVING FORWARD ON YOUR SAFETY CULTURE When people tell their stories about moving from compliance to a health and safety culture, or about partnering with others to reach people and organizations in need, it soon becomes apparent that every story has at its heart the same inspirational signposts, the same milestones, beliefs and levers, the same well-worn paths to success. In the five narratives by WSPS clients, volunteers and partners that follow, these central truths shine out through the layers of each storyteller's individual circumstances, inviting Ontario employers and workers to take a closer look and find a better way. The stories explore how leaders intervene to • align their organizations with prevention priorities • push those priorities beyond the four walls of the enterprise and into employees' homes and the community • reach thousands of workers by sounding a call to action with members of their industry groups • bring up-to-date sector expertise to the decision-making process Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 2012 Annual Report 4

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