
WSPS 2020 Annual Report

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 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services  | 2 Our Three-Year Journey The period between 2018 to 2020 presented the world with challenges unlike any other time in recent history. With rapid advancements in technology, continued changes in demographics and the nature of work, and the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, it required that businesses pivot and innovate to serve customers and stay relevant. At WSPS, 2020/21 represented the final year of a three-year strategic plan. Here are some highlights of progress made towards our vision of "every worker, healthy and safe, every day" since April 2018. THOUGHT LEADERSHIP Keep more people healthy and safe by growing and sharing leading edge expertise ➜ Expanded capacity to deliver more services to more customers in machine safety and robotics, warehousing and distribution, ergonomics, occupational hygiene, mental health, occupational health and safety management systems, and confined space ➜ Used evidence-based approach in development of solutions for audiences with high risk/vulnerable characteristics, such as greenhouses and young workers ➜ Conducted applied research to guide businesses through the building blocks in implementing a workplace mental health program ➜ Worked with prevention system partners to help businesses start their management system journey through the launch of the Health and Safety Excellence program and Supporting Ontario's Safe Employers ➜ Supported businesses during the pandemic with the development of 198 digital solutions, including sector and job-specific guidance, and 9 safety plans for essential workplaces and those that were reopening ➜ Listened to our sector Advisory Committees and industry partners on emerging areas of concern, and collaborated to get the word out through webinars, resources and networking

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