
WSPS 2020 Annual Report

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31 | WSPS.CA/AnnualReport Approved by WSPS CEO on May 4, 2021. WSPS is committed to achieving the highest standards, through continual improvement, in providing programs, products, and services that: Meet customer and obligatory requirements, and serve the needs of our stakeholders, Are effective for the prevention of injury and illness, and Provide value in terms of the services delivered and outcomes achieved for the costs incurred. The WSPS senior leadership team is committed to promoting and integrating the risk-based thinking approach into the business planning of operations and changes to ensure the corporate business objectives and continuity are achieved. To achieve these goals, a comprehensive Quality Management System has been established enabling WSPS to meet all ISO 9001 requirements. The management system approach will facilitate the achievement of WSPS' quality goals and objectives as outlined in WSPS' Strategic and Business Plans. WSPS Quality Policy

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