Guides & Toolkits

What to consider when implementing a Mental Health and Safety Program in your workplace

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PART ONE PART TWO Building a healthy workplace Mental health in the workplace may seem like another buzzword topic – but many employers ignore it at their peril. Fostering a psychologically health and safe workplace should be an organizational priority, not just because it's ethically the right thing to do, but because it's an investment well spent. THE WORLD OF WORK IS EVOLVING AROUND US It's no longer strictly a physical effort that's needed, it's often cognitive – and as such it takes a toll on the human mind and emotions. We simply cannot separate life from work anymore – they're both one in the same. We take our private lives into the office, and we take work home at the end of the day. Therefore, the way we see work, and our perceptions around it, have to change as well. WHAT IT MEANS TO INVEST IN YOUR EMPLOYEES' MENTAL HEALTH Having a workplace mental health program will positively impact your organizational efficiency. Research from PwC, a global professional services company, shows an average of 230% return on every dollar invested in creating a mentally healthy workplace 8 . There's a rather strong business case to be made here, specifically regarding to recruitment and retention. KEEPING ONTARIO WORKERS SAFE Helping organizations foster and maintain a psychologically safe and healthy workplace is a strategic initiative for Ontario's health and safety system. To support this initiative, the website has been developed by Ontario's health and safety system partners, to provide informative and actionable mental health resources. The goal is to assist Ontario's employers in creating a psychologically healthy workplace. This site provides access to: reputable and tested tools models frameworks Research from PwC, a global professional services company, shows an average of 230% return on every dollar invested in creating a mentally healthy workplace. 7 7, 8  PricewaterhouseCoopers Australia and Beyond Blue. (2014). Creating a mentally healthy workplace: return on investment analysis, retrieved from Workplace Safety & Prevention Services |  Workplace Mental Health WSPS.CA 8 WSPS.CA 8

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