Guides & Toolkits

What to consider when implementing a Mental Health and Safety Program in your workplace

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PART ONE PART TWO Mental health fact Studies have shown that presenteeism levels register from two to five times higher than absenteeism levels. 9 STEPS LEADERS SHOULD TAKE TO ENSURE A CULTURE OF EMPLOYEE WELL-BEING Presenteeism is a source of concern for leaders because, while absenteeism may be more physical, as in you can see an empty office seat, presenteeism is less visible and potentially more harmful. To prevent employers from going down the path of having to assess presenteeism and absenteeism rates, Canadian workplaces should be adopting a prevention strategy. Canada's leading practice strategy is the CSA/BNQ National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace. This framework is centered around 13+ workplace factors which we will discuss in the next section. 10 THERE'S NO EASY FIX – IT REALLY TAKES TIME You need to understand the facts and the myths, both from your leaders' perspective and from employees themselves. This sort of seismic culture shift needs to emanate from the top down. However, it also has to be reflected in the way we interact with our peers; such as not jumping to conclusions and not making assumptions about how other people work. 9, 10  Ron Z. Goetzel, Stacey R. Long, Ronald J. Ozminkowski, Kevin Hawkins, Shaohung Wang, and Wendy Lynch. (2004)."Health, Absence, Disability, and Presenteeism Cost Estimates of Certain Physical and Mental Health Conditions Affecting U.S. Employers," Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, April 2004. Workplace Safety & Prevention Services |  Workplace Mental Health WSPS.CA 10 WSPS.CA 10

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