Guides & Toolkits

What to consider when implementing a Mental Health and Safety Program in your workplace

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PART ONE MANAGING WORK AND PEOPLE It's about how you manage your people and organize your work – something we all have to do every day. The key is that we do this with mindfulness and carefulness. Everyone has a responsibility in contributing to a healthy and safe workplace, both physically and psychologically. This includes front-line workers, managers, supervisors, senior leadership and joint health and safety committees. What are the dangers of neglecting mental health at work? Workplace mental health, the facts:   According to the Canadian Association for Mental Health (CAMH), approximately 500,000 employed Canadians are off work due to mental health problems. 5   The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) predicts that by 2020, mental illness will be one of the leading causes of disability – with 30% of disability claims and 70% of disability costs being attributed to mental illness. 6 This is measurable when you consider the overwhelming impact mental health has on workplace productivity. If an employee is suffering internally, and not necessarily visibly, poor mental health often goes unchecked and unregulated. Not only does this diminish individual productivity, but it also impacts your team as a whole. After all, you're only as strong as your weakest link. CONSIDER THIS Safeguarding employee mental health isn't just the right thing to do – it's essentially ensuring your organization will not only survive the future of work but flourish in it. 5 Dewa, Chau, and Dermer (2010). Examining the comparative incidence and costs of physical and mental health-related disabilities in an employed population. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 52: 758-62. Number of disability cases calculated using Statistics Canada employment data, retrieved from 6 Mental Health Commission of Canada. (2013). Making the Case for Investing in Mental Health in Canada Workplace Safety & Prevention Services |  Workplace Mental Health WSPS.CA 6

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