
Choose the training that’s RIGHT for YOU. WSPS 2022 Catalogue.

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Why choose a WSPS Consultant? Whether you have a current health and safety program or are starting from scratch, our team of experts can be your guide. We will help protect your vision by listening and then applying our expertise – tapping into your future potential. CONSULTING Assessments Audits/Gap Analysis Awareness Sessions Essential Elements Program Hazard-Specific Programs Health and Safety Excellence program COVID-19 Pandemic planning, compliance & mitigation TECHNICAL CONSULTING Ergonomics Machine Safety & Robotics Mental Health/Healthy Workplaces Occupational Hygiene Warehousing and Distribution Centres OHS MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS CONSULTING Gap Analysis Implementation Support Internal Audits FEDERAL CONSULTING Assessments Audits/Gap Analysis Core Prevention Programs TO CONTINUE SERVING YOU, WSPS IS OFFERING MANY OF OUR CONSULTING SOLUTIONS VIRTUALLY. NEED HEALTH & SAFETY ADVICE? CONTACT US TODAY! WSPS.CA/ Consulting 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) Our expertise and reach are unmatched ISO 9001 Quality Management Certified 171,000 Member Firms 4.2 million Employees represented 120+ Consultants across Ontario Professional Designations CRSP, CHSC, R.Kin, ROH, P.Eng, CCPE and more WSPS is a recognized expert in Canada through our participation in CSA technical committees. 5 |  2022 Catalogue   WSPS.CA   1 877 494 WSPS (9777)

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